Alex Barbulescu

Swift Playground Book

WWDC 2019 Student Scholarship Submission

Metal | Accelerate | AVFoundation



BeatMatch is an audio visualization game relying on signal processing and metal shaders. This was my 2019 WWDC Student Scholarship submission. While I did not get accepted, I did secure my first internship at Apple shortly after.


Expanding on what I learned by doing this project, I’ve created multiple tutorials directly related to this. In fact, pretty much all my tutorials touch the GPU in one way or another.

The following tutorials were direct spawns of this project:

  1. Using Swift Playgrounds & Playground Books
  2. Making Your First Circle Using Metal Shaders
  3. Audio Visualization in Swift Using Metal and Accelerate (Part 1)
  4. Audio Visualization in Swift Using Metal and Accelerate (Part 2)